Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22-Jacksonville, North Carolina

How has everyone's week been? I hope it has been a good week for everybody!

This week was a pretty amazing week!!

On Monday, we had a combined District activity. It was Sister Alldredge's birthday, so we threw her a surprise birthday party. We played volleyball and chair soccer which were both a lot of fun!! That night, our appointment cancelled so we did some tracting and found a potential.

On Tuesday, we went over to Sister Coville's (less active) and helped her finish up her sons Valentine treat bags. We watched Stay by the Tree with her. Her husband is currently deployed and is struggling with depression. I loved getting to go over and bring a little joy and laughter into her day! Her 5 year old son was the cutest!! He told me secretly that he was a secret agent. It was so cute! That night we ate dinner with the Dance's. The Dance's are a member of the ward and their daughter and two granddaughters are currently living with them while her husband is deployed. Sister Dance's daughter and granddaughters love Disneyland! We talked a lot about the parades and the shows at Disneyland which was a lot of fun. That night, we met with Robert. Robert hasn't been coming to church and hasn't been keeping commitments so there is a possibility that we will be giving him a little space. After that, we met with Bob, Amy, Zain, Cameron, and Kira. We ended up reading from the Book of Mormon with them and talking about the importance of scripture reading.

Wednesday, we met with Krisi, Makayla, and Damien. We talked with Makayla about moving her baptism up to a week day in February since that is when she originally wanted to be baptized but they were going to be out of town every weekend. Also, Sister Alldredge wanted to be able to see her get baptized before she goes home next week. Makayla said yes!! So, this Wednesday, the 24th, Makayla is going to be baptized!! That night, we went with the Juncker's to visit our less active Falon. She told us that on Sunday we need to call and text her when we wake up until she answers. She also told us to come by that morning if we don't hear from her and get her to church.

Thursday, we had interviews with President James. I had a really good interview with President James!! That night, we visited a couple of less actives with Sister Johnson.

On Friday, since we didn't have time to weekly plan Thursday, we did weekly planning. During weekly planning, we were trying to get everything situated for Makayla's baptism. We found out that they wanted her to be interviewed before sacrament meeting on Sunday. However, there was no way we would be able to finish the lessons in just one lesson (we were meeting with them on Saturday and we had an appointment scheduled for that evening). After we got done talking to our District Leader, our appointment for that night texted and cancelled! We still weren't sure though if they would be able to meet since Makayla has dance every night. We texted Krisi anyways and she said that they were free! This experience taught me that Heavenly Father had planned for Makayla to be baptized on the 24th because everything has just been falling right into place!!

Saturday, we went and stopped by a couple of YSA less actives with Brooke. After that, we stopped by Bob and Amy's to remind them about church. That night, we had two appointments scheduled and only an hour with Makayla (which was definitely not enough time to get through what we needed to). However, our other appointment cancelled and we were able to get through all of the lessons with Makayla.

Sunday, Makayla had her interview and she passed! After church, we worked on putting the program for her baptism together and downloading Mormon Messages for the baptism. That night, we met with our less active Sharron. She has two teenagers and they are all going through a really hard time right now. We taught them the Restoration and are hoping that slowly but surely we can get them all to come back to church.

Overall this was a great week!!!! Sorry I don't have any pictures this week, but I will definitely have some next week. I love all of you so much!! Thanks for everything!!

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